Frequently Asked Questions

How do we book you?

You can select the Contact drop down menu and choose one of many options.

How far out do you book?

There is no restriction to that.

Are you available outside Sifnos ?

A priori yes, provided there are no conflicts on the schedule in Sifnos. The team has succesfully covered events in other islands, like Serifos, Kytnos, Andros and Folegandros.

How do we get our photos?

You will receive a password protected link to a sophisticated platform, from which you can download and share with your friends, single photos or the whole collection.

How many photos do we get?

There is no restriction to the number. You will get as many as needed to depict the flow of the event.

Whats your turn around time?

There is a very strict post production planning, both in photos and video. The turn around time depends on the bulk of previous events. Please note that at first you get the photos, in digital form, edited and post processed and at a later time the video.

What about our wedding album ?

We have partnered with Albumake the experts in hand made digital albums. They offer a big variety of options and the whole process is done via their e-platform.

What about your equipment ?

For both photo and video we use the appropriate equipment which is constantly upgraded. Regarding the post processing, we use PC's with very strong processing power equipped with hi-end calibrated monitors.

Do we get the RAW files ?

You get the edited and post processed version of them in jpeg format. The RAW files remain in our servers.

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